Aza Lineage on DiChillSpot

April 4, 2021 By Richard

Dance hall artist Aza Lineage visited DChillSpot Saturday April 3,2021 to engage in what was a manaingful conversation with host DJ Blue.  She is quite the introvert for an entertainer, quiet in her demeanor and protective of her private life, “I speak through my music” she said. Her opinion of the current state of affairs in Jamaica is well known through songs like “no winners of war – . filled with emotions such as anger towards violence against women in society she really does speak through her music. 

She is in her own way a force to be reconned with, a powerhouse of lyrics that addresses a lot of relevant issues her music makes an individualistic connection with all those who listen. Her message is clear and impactful, relevant and thought provoking. We look forward to seeing and hearing more of her in the international sphere where her “Tania Stevens” like sound (who happens to be one of her inspiration) with her own uniqueness and quality does set her apart from many current female artists. A loving and respectful rasta’ empress’ with much to offer to the world of music we await all she has to give of herself to the world. in this interview, you can see for yourself who she is, a relaxed and easy-going person who slowly opens up and even laugh as if with an afterthought or memory of some relevant incident that comes to mind. We hope in future to see and hear much more from her for a long time to come.