Category: Promo

Double K on DiChillSpot

May 9, 2021 By Richard

Double K in my opinion is a girl on fire, she is shy but feisty, spirited, beautiful, easy-going, warm and i could go on and on. Truly i enjoyed listening to her sending love to all her mentors, teachers, influencers, fans. A girl who is a product of the inner city, who has never forgotten […]

Teamblue chats with Marcia Griffiths

April 6, 2021 By Richard

Marcia Griffiths formerly of the I-threes gave a stellar performance in Amsterdam on one of her latest tours. Dj Blue from teamblue Entertainment had the chance to chat with her for a few minutes. Quite informal Marcia was cordial, calm, encouraging and had a few minutes in what later became the Chill Spot. This interview […]